The Badass Podcast: Living on the Edge
Welcome to The Badass Podcast - Living on the Edge, where we hear from some amazing people who have struggled with their health or societal barriers, to achieve incredible things from building great businesses to breaking world and Guinness Book of Records.
You will laugh, you may cry but more importantly you will be inspired to discover the edge over your life, so join us today and remember, you can be sick but still have a BADASS SICK LIFE!
Also available on YouTube -@TBPLivingontheedge
The Badass Podcast: Living on the Edge
Episode 3 - Trailer: Anxiety and depression in entrepreneurship and raising a family with founder Peter Brooks
Check out the latest trailer for our next upcoming episode of The Badass Podcast: Living on the Edge!
In this clip Peter Brooks, co-founder of Community Interest Company Teamkickabout CIC talks about how the past with his biological Father leaving him (2-years) and his Brother (4-years), impacted his life, when his own sons turned 2 & 4 respectively.
The full episode is due to be released at 5am (UK time) on the 25th July 2023.
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Remember, you can be sick but still have a BADASS SICK LIFE!